Month: July 2016
Day 147
Day 146
Day 145
Day 144
Day 143
Day 142
Hi hi hi
Idag var dagen som Isabella skrattade för första gången! Mamma, Will, Ben och Isabella satt i bilen för att skjutsa Will till sitt läger i Groton. Vi stod i drive thru-kö till Dunkin Donuts när Ben (som satt bak med puppan) skojade så bra att Isabella började skratta – högt och tydligt! Hi hi hi! Vi dog alla gullighetsdöden litegrann.
Today was the day that Isabella laughed for the very first time. Mommy, Will, Ben and Isabella were in the car driving Will to camp in Groton. We were in the drive thru line at Dunkin Donuts when Ben (who sat in the back with baby) did such funny tricks that Isabella started to laugh – loud and clear! Hi hi hi! It was cuteness overload.
Day 141
Day 140
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